I'm an engineer, but an entrepreneur at heart. My passion for entrepreneurship has led me to starting two businesses before the age of 20. The first: digital special effects for feature film productions (I made it to IMDb!). The second: leveraging the idea that other students are also able to compete with the graphics industry.
Growing the business from an idea, to getting recognition, to making money was nothing short of exhilarating! I continued my journey Working at Microsoft, where I felt right at home with running a "business" within a business. That's when it clicked; I wanted to be an INTRApreneur.
My combination of work experiences and schooling has given me the technical skills of engineering as well as the business skills of consulting and sales. I am ready to take on the next challenge!
May 2016 - Present
September 2015 - Present
May 2014 - April 2015
February 2013 - December 2014
Shoot me a message, and let's chat!